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About Xampp Server

Mar 17, 2021 XAMPP is a free and open-source web server package developed by Apache Friends. The XAMPP software package comprises the Apache web server, MariaDB database server, PHP, and Perl. It is basically a localized LAMP server that gives developers a suitable environment to test websites and applications before uploading them to a production server. XAMPP is an open-source software developed by Apache Friends. XAMPP software package contains Apache distributions for Apache server, MariaDB, PHP, and Perl. And it is basically localhost or a local server. This local server works on your own desktop or laptop computer. XAMPP is one of the widely used cross-platform web servers, which helps developers to create and test their programs on a local webserver. It was developed by the Apache Friends, and its native source code can be revised or modified by the audience. XAMPP is an open-source web server package that works on various platforms. It is actually an acronym with X meaning “cross” platform, A for Apache HTTP server, M for MySQL, P for PHP, and P for Perl.

  1. About Xampp Server Download
  2. About Xampp Server Status
  3. Xampp Control Panel V3.2.4

Credit to this website: https://www.thakkarworld.com/localhost-website-android-phone.html

When we build a page/website in localhost/local PC using XAMPP or WAMP server, we only can access it only in our computer. We type localhost or our IP in a browser, then our webpage will appaear.

But how to access it from our phone through our WIFI network or hotspot ? Here in this article, I will provide complete guide on How you can open localhost website on your mobile phone?

Suppose the environment is:

  1. WIFI network – mobile hotspot
  2. PC as localhost – XAMPP server is installed. You can refer to my last tutorial for installed XAMPP:

Step 1: Open the Download the XAMPP Installer:

About Xampp Server Download

  • First of all, I assume that you have tested your website completely on desktop and working fine using XAMPP server in localhost.
  • On the XAMPP papel, click the bar Config and bar go to XAMPP -> Apache-> httpd-xampp.conf and edit the file or C:xampp_newapacheconfextrahttpd-xampp.conf.
  • You can opened it by editor like Sublime Text 3.
  • In the file find the text “Require localhost” and replace it with “Require all granted”. Now save and close the file.
  • Restart XAMPP Server by click stop and click start again.

Step 2: Create inbound and outbound in Windows firewall

  • Open control panel and search windows firewall in upper right corner search box. Now open windows firewall from search results. On the next screen click on Advanced settings in the left sidebar links.
  • In Windows firewall screen, Click on Inbound rule. As per below image click on New Rule which is located in right sidebar. It will pop up new screen to configure the inbound port.

About Xampp Server Status

  • In the configuration wizard, Select Port as per above image in Rules type page and click next.
  • Now Select Port type as TCP and specify port on which your Apache server is running and click next button. In my case it is 80 so i have provided 80.
  • Select “Allow the connection” action as per below image and go ahead with next screen.
  • Now provide name of Rule and description and finish the configuration wizard.
  • Now Inbound rule is created in windows firewall and using same steps you can go ahead

Step 3: Check the localhost IP by type ipconfig

  • Open the cmd and run as administrator.
  • Type the: ipconfig

Step 4: Test the connection on PC and Mobile app of the IP


  • Open any browser and type the IP : Example:
  • The result will be shown as below.


  • Open any browser and type the IP : Example:
  • The result will be shown as below.

I hope above guide is helpful to all of you and you are able to open your localhost website/blog on mobile device as well.

Share this awesome article to your friends as well.

Have a nice day.

How to install XAMPP on Windows 10. Xampp is a peripheral software that can run a local web server. The first version of this product was released by Apachefriends in 2002. After a while, it gained a lot of fans due to its easy use, and the company released the next versions more fully with more features. Today, xampp software has versions for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Xampp Server essentially sets up a complete web server environment in your Windows environment virtually.

You can Choose your perfect Windows VPS Server Packages from eldernode.

Follow us with xampp installation and setup tutorial.

Tutorial install XAMPP on Windows 10

1.First, download the xampp software by the following link.

What is xampp server in php

As shown below, click on XAMPP for Windows to start the download.

2. After completing the download, double-click on that file to begin the installation process.

3.Click Next on the first page.

4.In this section, you can select the components you need to use. By default, all components are selected.

5.On the next page, you specify the installation path of xampp software. After selecting the desired path, click on Next.

6. On the next page, you can click on the link to get acquainted with the bitnami library. Click Next.

7.Xampp is now ready to install, if confirmed, click Next to start the installation process.

Recommended Article: How to install and configure VNC on Ubuntu 20.04

8.Wait for the software installation to complete.

Click on Finish to run the software.

9. First select the language to run the program and click Save.

10. Start through the Run as administrator option. XAMPP Control Panel will appear on the screen. Click on Start action to start the Apache and MySQL modules.

Xampp Control Panel V3.2.4

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